Title 1 Family Engagement Information
Your Family Engagement Liaison
My name is Rebekah Pine and I am your Family Engagement Liaison.
I am located in the media center and can be reached at 478-929-7814 ext 2457 or by email at natarsha.williams@hcbe.net. I look forward to working with each of you as we Rocket to Success!
Interactive Parent Resource Room
Our Interactive Parent Resource Center is here! Your Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator is always eager to provide assistance and information!
Click on link the below to access the following information:
- HCBE calendar - School year calendar
- GaDOE - Dept. of Education website
- Clipboard - Visitor sign in sheet
- Laptop - Parent input survey
- Dojo icon - Class Dojo
- Facebook - MES Facebook page
- Community resources – Community resources
- Newspaper - Current Month's Newsletter
News You Can Use!
Milestones 3rd-5th Parent Training!
Coming March 30, 2023!
Parent Launchpad 2022-23
Parent Engagement monthly newsletters
Engagement Engineers!!
(Parent Action Team)
Parent input is a vital component of the Title I Program. Our Virtual Engagement Engineers (Parent Action Team) meeting took place on Thursday, November 3rd at 5:30 pm! We are sorry that we missed you!
However, you are ALWAYS encouraged to provide us with your input and suggestions via the feedback form located on the right!
The purpose of Engagement Engineers is to develop and revise Title I documents such as the Parent and Family Engagement plan and the School-Parent compact. Parent suggestions are always welcomed and encouraged throughout the school year and from the Parent Satisfaction Survey every spring.
Your input also guides the planning of the workshops and activities for the next school year, which we include in our school's Parent and Family Engagement Plan. We gladly welcome your input and ideas!
Contact Natarsha Williams if you are interested in more information about the Engagement Engineers at 478-929-7814 ext. 2457 or at natarsha.williams@hcbe.net.
Parent Resources
Parent Engagement Calendar
Report Card Dates 22-23
Parent Academic Resources K - 5th
- Lexile Information & Resources
- 5 Ways to Read a Text at Home.pdf
- Mr. Nussbaum ELA
- Primary Grades Learning to Read.pdf
- Promtps for parents.jpg
- Reading Lists
- Reading Skills - Room Recess
- Reading Strategies Bookmark.pdf
- Story Element Chart.jpg
- Upper Grades Reading Responses.pdf
- Upper Reading Comprehension Help.pdf
- Words 2 Reading
Previous Parent Events/Presentations
2023 Kindergarten Readiness
What is Title I?
Title I, Part A is a federally funded program under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The purpose of Title I under ESSA is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Miller Elementary is a Title I School. We are eligible for Title I based on our percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. All students in our school benefit from these funds. All Title I schools must include parent input in the development of a written Parent and Family Engagement plan.